Before & After
Judy in Smyrna, GA was in need of gutter replacement on her home. She had some storm damage to a few of her gutters and downspouts as well as the over all age of the gutter system meant a full replacement was needed. She began her search for a local gutter company to assist her with the damage to her home.
Karl came out to assess the damage and offer his expertise. As she was concerned about maintenance, he suggested Gutter Shutter for maintenance-free gutter protection. Liking the idea of our clog-free guarantee, she decided to move forward.
The crew removed the old, damaged gutters and quickly repaired the areas of compromised fascia. Once the fascia was secure, they began to hang the new Gutter Shutter system.
Shining like a new penny, this home in Smyrna, GA is now clog free, guaranteed! How wonderful to see this beautiful home restored to it's former glory!